
(->AccumulationNode id)

Positional factory function for class


(->AccumulationResultNode id result)

Positional factory function for class


(->RuleActivationNode rule-name id)

Positional factory function for class


(map->AccumulationNode m12205)

Factory function for class AccumulationNode, taking a map of keywords to field values, but not much slower than ->x like the clojure.core version. (performance is fixed in Clojure 1.7, so this should eventually be removed.)


(map->AccumulationResultNode m12245)

Factory function for class AccumulationResultNode, taking a map of keywords to field values, but not much slower than ->x like the clojure.core version. (performance is fixed in Clojure 1.7, so this should eventually be removed.)


(map->RuleActivationNode m12158)

Factory function for class RuleActivationNode, taking a map of keywords to field values, but not much slower than ->x like the clojure.core version. (performance is fixed in Clojure 1.7, so this should eventually be removed.)


(session->fact-graph session)

Given a session, return a graph structure connecting all facts to the facts that they caused to be logically inserted. Note that such connections will not be made for unconditionally inserted facts.


(strict-map->AccumulationNode m12206 & [drop-extra-keys?__2297__auto__])

Factory function for class AccumulationNode, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->


(strict-map->AccumulationResultNode m12246 & [drop-extra-keys?__2297__auto__])

Factory function for class AccumulationResultNode, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->


(strict-map->RuleActivationNode m12159 & [drop-extra-keys?__2297__auto__])

Factory function for class RuleActivationNode, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->